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Winter Swimming Pool Maintence - How To Do It Right

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Effective winter pool maintenance is vital if you're to enjoy the benefits of your swimming pool during the rest of the year.  Get it right, and you could save yourself annoying downtime and money on repairs.

Here's how to prepare your pool for its winter holiday. 

Fit a pool cover

A pool cover is a must to protect your pool from debris, animals and snow.  Ensure that the cover is fixed securely to the pool.  If your pool is above ground, inflate the air pillow and tighten the cable. 

Use a hose to remove leaves and twigs from the surface of the pool cover, and vacuum away any excess water.  If it snows heavily during the winter, use a roof rake to carefully pull the snow off the pool cover; otherwise, it will stretch under the weight and sink into the water. 

Check pool parts

Before you shut your pool down for the winter, make sure that the pump, heater and filter are all working correctly.  Flush out any excess water from the pump and pipes.  If water within the pipework or mechanics of the pool parts freezes during the winter, cracking may result, leaving you with leaks and an expensive problem in the spring when you fire everything up again. 

Pool chemistry

It's really important to get the pool chemistry right if your pool is to emerge in a healthy state after the winter.  Most people don't empty their pools when out of use, so you need to keep your pool clean by chemically balancing the water. 

Discard any chemicals that are left over from the previous season.  Older chemicals are not as effective because they lose their potency over time.  Use an enzyme product to treat your pool water, as per the manufacturer's directions.  Enzymes break down non-organic contamination and stop the formation of unsightly waterlines.  This will save you the job of scrubbing the pool tiles when you unveil the pool for the spring and will leave the water safe for you to swim in.

Remember to check pool chemistry every couple of months when your pool is not in use.  If the chemistry becomes out of balance, bacteria and algae will grow.

Maintaining your pool chemistry is particularly important if you live in an area with a more temperate climate and your pool is left uncovered over the winter.  If you don't treat your water, you could find it populated with algae or contaminated with bacteria and unfit for use.

In conclusion

Make sure your swimming pool is fit to see out the winter by following the tips given above.  For any swimming pool maintenance queries you might have, contact your local pool contractor for more advice.
